Monday, January 12, 2009


Well today, I didn't want to go to Christi's to do our workout and review our chapter. I just wanted to come home and relax. Not that I did that either. I came home and cleaned off the dining room table...which lead to cleaning under the sink, cleaning out one of Mark's drawers, doing a load of laundry, putting a few other things away...which was good but...but nothing...give yourself some credit!

So on my way to Dale's, I was trying to justify why not to go to Christi's...fighting with myself. So I called and left Christi a message, a rambling message. I wanted her to hold me accountable (which she did) but instead she gave me the choice to hold myself accountable. Accountable to myself and the decisions that I make. Why must I find it so difficult. Why don't I fight for myself and the things that I want as hard as I fight for others.

All I keep doing is getting frustrated with myself. Do I not want to eat healthier, excercise, spend time with God, time in prayer. Or do I just not want to put forth the effort. Seems like when I commit to other people, I follow through...why not for myself. Remind self, "To the extent that you take care of you, is the extent that you can take care of other people!" So why don't you choose to take care of yourself better?

Read this quote that said, " Our choices in life are made according to our sense of our own worth" Do you not think your worth it Jackie? If God finds you valuable, how can you not find yourself valuable?

You are responsible for your choices, but more than that you are responsible for taking action, accepting responsiblity for following through. The choice is the only thing that is easy about it. So do the hard have it in you!

"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” Denis Waitley

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