Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well...I just realized that this was actually yesterday's message :) Today's message is actually "Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine." Still applies for laugh :)

Today's (1/13/09) "Ways to wake up laughing" is so perfect for me today!

Spend some quiet time each day with the Creator of laughter. Let your heart overflow as He fills up your endorphin tank, equipping you to face the serious side of life with grace and courage.

What a great reminder for me that is today! I feel so not me this week and I'm not sure why! But I do know that I have to get back into the routine of spending time with the Creator EVERYDAY! I need Him to fill up my endorphin tank!

I'm so busy trying to please everybody around me and I'm not. And it is just making me feel...hmmm...let's just say yucky!

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